Coping with Recent Tragedies in the News

In the first 44 days of 2023, 66 mass shootings have taken place in the United States of America. Three of these occurred in alarmingly rapid succession in Monterey Park, Half Moon Bay, and Oakland, California just a few weeks ago. Halfway across the country, Tyre Nichols called out for his mother, another Black man killed in a senseless act of police brutality. Beyond our borders, war wages on in conflict-stricken nations. Severe floods and droughts lead to hunger and poverty across the world. Tens of thousands were killed in an earthquake across Turkey and Syria, among the most devastating in recent history. The burden of tragedy grows heavier and heavier as we return to this statement to add and acknowledge yet another deadly shooting, this time at Michigan State University.

We at the Counseling Center want to acknowledge both the differences and similarities in what our various members of our UIC communities are experiencing. For some, this may be activating racial and generational trauma, and for others, there may also be a wide range of emotions including hurt, anger, hopelessness, fear, and desensitization. Feeling these emotions all at once can sometimes be overwhelming or traumatic, and it makes it even more important to take care of yourself during these difficult times.

Your social and cultural communities may be a great resource to support you in your self-care efforts – you can find connection at UIC by joining an org, a cultural center, a therapy group , or even using the Nod app. At the Counseling Center, we also want to support you in developing your self-care tools. Please consider how Counseling Center resources, including ways to cope with violence on campus, a new resource on coping tips for resilience during difficult times, and other Counseling Center services might be helpful for you. Please contact the Counseling Center at 312-996-3490 if you have any additional questions about our services.