Ending the Semester Amid Sociopolitical Stress

As the spring semester draws to a close, our support goes out to the students and communities at UIC impacted by recent tragedies in the news. This week alone, another Black teenager, 16-year-old Ralph Yarl, was shot in Kansas City after knocking on the wrong door, violent conflict in Sudan escalated to warfare, and anti-trans legislation continued to advance in state governments across the United States. As racism, hatred, and violence persist, we recognize how disheartening this can be and the impact it can have on us individually and as a community - not to mention how difficult it can be to focus academically while it happens.

We at the Counseling Center want to acknowledge what members of our UIC community are experiencing and offer support. You may be feeling a wide range of variable emotions - from hurt, anger, hopelessness, and fear, to feeling numb and desensitized. For some, managing these current upheavals may evoke past traumatic experiences and multi-generational family traumas. You may also be feeling worried for the safety of yourself or loved ones who are vulnerable to violence. These experiences can feel overwhelming and may lead you to questioning your capacity to cope, which makes it even more important to take care of yourself -- and to allow others to care for you -- during these difficult times.

As you seek to manage academic and other stresses, we encourage you to utilize the supports that UIC provides. Please consider how Counseling Center resources, including this resource on coping tips for resilience during difficult times, and other Counseling Center services might be helpful to you.  You can find connection at UIC, through a cultural center, a therapy group, a supportive drop-in space, or even using the Nod app. We hope you will also turn to others who are supportive among your friends, family, and cultural communities.

Please contact the Counseling Center at 312-996-3490 if you have any additional questions about our services. We are thinking of you as you take on the end of the semester!

Additional Academic and Cultural Resources
Academic Center for Excellence (ACE) (including Academic Coaching and Tools for Success)
African American Academic Network 
African American Cultural Center
Arab American Cultural Center 
Asian American Resource and Cultural Center
Dean of Students Office
Disability Cultural Center
Disability Resource Center
First Generation and International Student Therapy Group
Gender and Sexuality Center
General Supportive Drop-In Space
Latin American Recruitment and Educational Services (LARES)
LGBTQ+ Therapy Group
Math and Science Learning Center
Native American Support Program
Neurodivergent Drop-In Space
Office of International Services
Rafael Cintrón Ortiz Latino Cultural Center
Trans, Nonbinary, and Gender Expansive Therapy Group
Tutoring at UIC
UIC Global
Women in Science and Engineering
Writing Center
Write-ON for Graduate Students
Write/Study for Finals @Women's Leadership and Resource Center

More UIC Resources
Upcoming Events for Centers for Cultural Understanding and Social Change